Hormone Replacement Therapies

Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT is one of several medical specialties of the endocrine systems, dealing with hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, melatonin and DHEA that decline in production as we age. While many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of aging, HGH goes far beyond the effect of any one of these hormones to not only slow down biological aging but also to significantly reverse many of the effects of aging. Researchers have proven that HGH therapy can reverse the effects of aging by as much as 10 to 20 years with less than one year of treatment. HGH replacement therapy is the key to rejuvenation and to adding years of vitality on to your life. HGH is the key for life extension.


HRT is one of several medical specialties of the endocrine systems, dealing with hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, melatonin and DHEA that decline in production as we age. While many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of aging, HGH goes far beyond the effect of any one of these hormones to not only slow down biological aging but also to significantly reverse many of the effects of aging. Researchers have proven that HGH therapy can reverse the effects of aging by as much as 10 to 20 years with less than one year of treatment. HGH replacement therapy is the key to rejuvenation and to adding years of vitality on to your life. HGH is the key for life extension.

Everyone is different, so the following are approximations:

AGE 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 70 – 80
Testosterone: ng/dl 280 – 1205 350 – 1010 255 – 1025 255 – 950 120 – 870 38 – 850
HGH: IGF-1 ng/dl 182 – 780 114 – 492 90 – 360 71 – 290

After receiving your labs tests and determining your medical need, Dr. Cabanellas and her associates will explain in detail how Testosterone is replaced using either an injection or a topical cream formulated to your needs, it is applied to the surface of the skin in the morning and evening. Growth hormone is taken by daily injection. We will show you how to do it. It is easy and painless.

Yes! This is not a fanciful search for the fountain of youth. It is medical science at it best. It is board certified doctors using sophisticated lab tests and treatment protocols to produce life-altering results.

Although we would like you to come to our state of the art facility in Wellington Florida, we do not require you to come. We do our testing through Porta medic and LabCorp, which has blood-drawing stations.

Conveniently, located across the U.S. As stated above, we also have physician affiliates conveniently located in most parts of the country.

Dr. Cabanellas or one of affiliate Doctors will prescribe whatever amount it takes to get your hormone levels to a point that you are achieving optimal results. That will probably be the upper end of the normal and safe range as shown in lab tests.

The doctor will prescribe whatever amount it takes to get your hormone levels to a point that you are achieving optimal results. That will probably be the upper end of the normal and safe range as shown in lab tests

Everyone is different but generally you can expect:
Week 1-2: Increase in mental sharpness, enthusiasm for life and an elimination of a mild to moderate depression that men acquire as testosterone, thyroid and or growth hormone declines. 
Week 2-3: More energy, better results from exercise and weight control efforts, and you will want to be more active – maybe even feel like exercising. 
Week 3-4: Increased sex drive, spontaneous morning erections 
2nd Month: Improved muscle tone, enhanced sexual function, improvement in nail growth, improvement in skin tone, better digestion, increased strength and weight loss. Improved hair growth, thickening of hair with a shiny and healthy appearance. 
3rd Month: Mental processes improve, including desire to do and complete projects, increased muscle size, especially if the individual works out, hair growth, reduction in post menstrual symptoms in women, increased sexual desire, greater body flexibility. 
4th Month: Same as 3rd Month: Generally most improvements are heightened and more consistent. 
5th Month: Impressive weight loss, reduction of inches, since fat is reduced and muscle tissue is increased, toned improvement to skin texture, reduced appearance of wrinkles, and vast improvements of hair growth. 
6th Month: This is a rather significant stage since cellulite greatly diminishes, body is more contoured, eyesight is greatly improved, stronger resistance to colds, flu, and other illnesses, some pain and soreness will disappear, old wounds have healed or are healing, excellent exercise tolerance, grayed hair begins to return to natural color, medical test show a reduction in cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, blood pressure normalizes, heart rate improves, some conditions due to disease vanish or are diminished and immune system improves

There are numerous studies that have come out over the past 12 months that have attested to the safety of natural hormone replacement for men. We use only bio-identical hormones in our therapy. i.e. hormones equal in molecular structure to what the body produces natural.

Growth hormone (GH) should not be used in patients with active tumors or receiving antitumor therapy. GH should not be used to increase height in children with bones with closed growth plates.

GH should not be started to treat patients with critical illness due to complications of surgery, injury, or respiratory failure. The safety of continuing HGH replacement therapy for approved uses in patients who develop these illnesses has not been established.

Growth hormone is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment.

Additional Safety Information:
Tell the doctor if the patient has any allergies to a preservative called cresol, because the 5.8 mg and 13.8 mg cartridge strengths of GENOTROPIN® contain this substance.

Deaths have been reported with the use of growth hormone in pediatric PWS patients with severe obesity, history of respiratory impairment or sleep apnea, and/or unidentified respiratory infection. Therefore, all patients with PWS should be evaluated and monitored for sleep apnea and respiratory infections, and have effective weight control.

Insulin dosage may need to be adjusted during therapy with GH if the patient has diabetes. Dosages of other medications also may need adjustment, so be sure to tell the doctor about any medications the patient may be taking.

GH should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed and with caution in nursing mothers because it is not known whether is excreted in human milk.

Children with disorders such as growth hormone deficiency have a higher rate of slipped growth plates in the hip. Therefore, it is important to tell the doctor if the patient begins to limp or complains of hip or knee pain during GH therapy.

In children experiencing rapid growth, curvature of the spine may worsen. The doctor may check the patient for spine curvature during GH therapy.

There is a potential for side effects with HGH and testosterone like with any prescribed medication. However, side effects can be avoided by following The Wellington Institute doctors’ orders, following your prescribed dosage protocol and taking advantage of ancillary medications that are recommended to be used with your hormone therapy.

HGH side effects are a concern for anyone looking at hormone therapy to slow down or reverse the aging process. The side effects of HGH use can be scary if abused for long periods of time. As with any drug each person must weigh the benefits against the drawbacks and decide if the end justifies the means.

Abused use HGH side effects range from the minor joint pain and some fluid retention to the more serious high blood pressure and abnormal bone and cartilage growth. Most medicinal use of HGH focuses on short-term correction of a hormonal imbalance. General growth hormone side effects from this type of use tend to be fluid retention, joint pain, a reversible insulin resistance, and some joint swelling.

Some of the more serious side effects of HGH come from the abuse of the hormone. This abuse can come in the form of taking too much of the substance or taking it for too long. Milder versions of these problems can occur from the abuse of supplemental forms of HGH sold over-the-counter.

HGH side effects can be reduced by limiting the length of time the hormone is used. Lowering the dosage of human growth hormone can also reduce the number and severity of these reactions.

In the typical man, hormones start to decline in the mid to late twenties. By age 35 declines are sufficient that symptoms may be evident. The best time to start replacing hormones is between age 35 and 40. However it is never too late. We have men in their 80’s that have found a new life.

Hormones may be replaced separately or in any combination. Better results are obtained from taking a combination of hormones. We like to say there is a 1+1=3 relationship. We understand the cost limitation on growth hormone. The Potential Benefits far out-weigh the cost

The commitment should last as long as you want the results.

Cycling of hormones is designed to minimize the possibility of a decline in your natural hormone production. Cycling is taking time off from hormone replacement. When outside hormones are introduced into the body, the gland producing that hormone senses that the body has an adequate supply of the hormone and does not need to work as hard and may become “lazy”. Cycling is mandatory for human growth hormone and for men under 45 on testosterone.

Sexual dysfunction can have many causes; however replacing hormones is the best place to start treatment. We suggest raising your testosterone to a healthy level along with growth hormone, (if cost is not a prohibitive factor), to boost your sex drive. There are also non-prescription products such as Male Performance Plus that increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood to aid sexual mechanics. If there is still need for assistance, consider something like Viagra or Cialis. This process has been found to correct over 90% of problems of sexual function. We strongly recommend not using a product such as Viagra or Cialis without first taking care of testosterone levels.

It is the only medically proven way Growth Hormone can enter the body and be absorbed correctly.

Advertisements that claim they have real HGH in a spray or pill may in fact contain small amounts of HGH. However, it has been medically proven that HGH cannot be absorbed through the membranes of the mouth, skin or digestive system. Stimulants have some effect but very limited. The claims of results far out-weigh the actual results. If you are looking for a more affordable and safe way to start we recommend Dr. Lawrence Sosna’s product Growth Factor 1.

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